Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I'm terrible at titles

I didn't take a picture of the first couple of calender pages of my journal before I wrote down stuff so you'll be able to see the loopiness of my thoughts when I write.

Seriously, there are some days where there is just nothing to write down. Nothing at all. My life is so exciting. LOL

This was my first month page and I had some watercolor paper that I had been using as a sort of drop cloth. Yeah, I know.... "watercolor paper as a drop cloth?" . I happened across a pack of paper that was priced at $4 in a craft store so I bought it. When I discovered that it was nice watercolor paper (the pack was unlabelled) I went back to buy the rest but it was all gone. So rather than hold on to it to use for something special (which as you know translates to never using it at all because I can't get more), I decided to use it to catch splatters and then cut it into squares for inchies or whatever. This sheet made nice squares for the calender.

I also decided that the "high art" would be stick figures. The squares are too small for much else. ;)

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